Wellness – Workrite Ergonomics https://workriteergo.com Innovative Ergonomics Office Products & Space Optimization Tue, 07 Apr 2020 20:26:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 Work Active: Why Sitting Too Much is Bad for You and What to Do About It https://workriteergo.com/work-active-sitting-much-bad/ Mon, 18 May 2020 09:00:12 +0000 http://workriteergo.com/?p=21457 Workactive Why Sitting Too Much is Bad for You & [...]

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Why Sitting Too Much is Bad for You & What to Do About It


Normal, everyday life is filled with a lot of sitting these days. We sit in our cars, we sit at our desks, we sit at the kitchen table, and we sit on our couches. Most of us have to actively seek out exercise by joining a gym or attending exercise classes because our regular days are so sedentary. This shift toward more sitting and less regular movement has only been increasing over the years.

We’re meant to move; our ancestors spent days hunting down large animals, and later, working in fields and factories, on their feet nearly the entire day. While it’s not necessary to have quite that level of daily activity, the evidence is clear that not getting enough regular movement can have some unwanted effects on our health and put us at risk for diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle can also be draining on your energy levels and mood.

That’s why sit stand desks are the perfect solution to the issue of sedentary office work. They allow you to move throughout the day. You’re not forced to remain standing, nor are you bound to a day of sitting. You can work comfortably by continuously changing positions and adjusting your desk and other equipment to fit your body. 


Too much sitting has many health risks

Sitting for long periods of time, like at a desk all day, has a number of health risks. According to the Mayo Clinic, “they include obesity and a cluster of conditions — increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels — that make up metabolic syndrome. Too much sitting overall and prolonged periods of sitting also seem to increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.” The other less deadly side effects of sitting all day include muscle and joint discomfort, soreness in the back and neck, varicose veins, and weight gain.


There are also mental and emotional side effects

New research shows that sitting all day “not only carries a physical toll, but may also increase risks of mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression,” according to the Association for Psychological Science. The study found that employees who spend most of the day seated had higher rates of anxiety and depression compared to employees who had more active jobs.

The same study also found that physical activity outside of work hours didn’t protect sedentary workers from the negative effects of sitting. “If people sat for most of the workday, even if they were physically active and getting exercise in their off-hours, they still showed relatively higher rates of anxiety and depression symptoms than did workers who sat for less than 3 hours a day.” The negative effects of sitting can’t be undone through exercise alone. We have to reduce the amount we sit in order to really protect our bodies and minds.


The solution: a sit stand desk (and other ergonomic equipment)

Sit stand desks allow those who are typically bound to a desk during the workday to swap some of their sitting hours for standing hours. Height adjustable workstations allow you to move throughout the day so you’re not spending too much time sitting or standing (because there are also some negatives to standing too much). 

The right kind of sit stand desk will have a wide range of adjustability and can adjust to your specific height and proportions. One that reminds you to change positions throughout the day will help you get into the habit of sitting and standing while you work (like Sentinel, Sierra HX, or Fundamentals with the new bluetooth switch).

Combine your sit stand desk (or your standing desk converter on top of your regular desk) with other ergonomic equipment to ensure you can work comfortably all day long. A monitor arm will help you put your screen(s) in the right position, and an anti-fatigue mat will make standing more comfortable and active. Practicing good posture is also important to ensure you get the most of your ergonomic office equipment.


Other ways to be more active in your daily life

Once you’ve started standing more at work, try adding other activity into your day. Take breaks to stretch at your desk or go for a walk outside during your lunch hour. Opt for the stairs over the elevator. Have your colleagues join you in being more active by holding walking meetings or standing huddles. Sign up for an exercise class and bring a friend to keep you motivated. If you can, walk or ride your bike to work or to run errands rather than driving. In your leisure time, try active hobbies like gardening, hiking, or cycling. Whatever you enjoy, just try to add some more movement to your day and you’ll be set up for a healthy, active life.

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Work Flexible: Why Keyboard Trays Are Still Useful, Even if They’re Not Cool https://workriteergo.com/work-flexible-keyboard-trays-useful-cool/ Tue, 18 Feb 2020 09:00:37 +0000 http://workriteergo.com/?p=20804 Workflexible Why Keyboard Trays Are Still Useful, Eve [...]

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Why Keyboard Trays Are Still Useful, Even if They’re Not Cool


Adjustable keyboard trays are a great way to provide maximum ergonomic benefits and greater levels of comfort for any workforce. When used in conjunction with fixed height desks, or with sit stand desks featuring limited ranges of adjustability, a keyboard tray can improve the overall usability and ergonomic functionality of the entire workcenter. Workrite offers a broad selection of keyboard tray systems as well as individual keyboard platforms and keyboard arms, providing multiple solutions for virtually any application.

“They may not be cool, but keyboard trays are a great ergonomic solution.”

Keyboard trays are a classic office fixture and aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. They may not be cool, but they are a great ergonomic solution that allow users to properly align their arms, wrists, and hands while typing.

We’re always striving to make ergonomics “cool” to help people everywhere work better and more comfortably. We get that keyboard trays are not necessarily the coolest, but it’s important to note how they can be useful and why they’ve stuck around.


Add Ergonomics to Any Desk

Stuck with a fixed height desk that isn’t the right height for you to work comfortably? Can’t get your elbows at a 90 degree angle with your keyboard on top of the desk? Keyboard tray to the rescue! Keyboard trays turn a fixed height desk into an ergonomic workstation in an instant. Most fixed height desks are too tall for shorter people or too short for taller people. The adjustable keyboard arm allows people of different heights to use standard, fixed height desks by simply moving the keyboard tray up or down for better ergonomic positioning of the arms and wrists.


Fight Carpal Tunnel and Other Hand/Wrist Ailments

Proper ergonomic positioning of the arms and wrists will help fight carpal tunnel and other musculoskeletal disorders of the hands and wrists. If you’re constantly working with your arms reaching or bending, or wrists at a stand angle, you’ll eventually develop discomfort in your wrists and hands, which if unchecked, could turn into a serious issue. Keyboard trays help workers fight off these ailments by achieving and maintaining proper ergonomic positioning and the ability to change positions when fatigue strikes.


Fit For Anyone

From the shortest person to the tallest, an adjustable keyboard tray lets you put the keyboard right where it belongs so it fits better to your body. A keyboard positioned too high or low can cause problems for your arms, wrists, hands. This is often the case when working at a fixed height desk. A keyboard tray makes any old desk work for anyone, no matter their height.


Find the Right Angle

By angling the keyboard tray up or down, you can keep your wrists in a neutral position. If you lean back in your chair as you type, you may want to angle the keyboard tray up, If you lean forward, you may want to angle to keyboard tray down, However you angle it, keep your wrists in alignment with your elbows.


Different Types of Keyboard Trays

There are a variety of keyboard tray options with different levels of adjustability. The most basic keyboard tray has a compact design where the mouse and keyboard are on the same platform and the entire tray is mounted to a keyboard arm, allowing you to push the tray under the desk, or pull it forward, adjust up and down slightly, and tilt the tray. Others will have a separate mouse tray that can slide side to side, forward or back, allowing you to have the mouse in a different position than the rest of the keyboard tray. Some will even have two mouse trays—right and left—to quickly and easily accommodate different users without having to use tools to change the mouse tray position. Finally, you have your extended range keyboard tray systems, which can create a sit stand workstation without a whole new desk.


No matter what you choose, adding an adjustable keyboard tray to your desk can drastically improve the ergonomics of your workstation, reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and fatigue, and help you work more comfortably. We get it; keyboard trays may not be cool, but they’re a quick and easy way to improve the ergonomics of any workspace!


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Work Fresh: How to Make Your New Healthy Habits Stick, Even When Things Get Hectic https://workriteergo.com/work-fresh-make-new-healthy-habits-stick/ Thu, 12 Dec 2019 09:00:35 +0000 http://workriteergo.com/?p=20573 Workfresh How to Make Your New Healthy Habits Stick, [...]

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How to Make Your New Healthy Habits Stick, Even When Things Get Hectic


There’s never a convenient time to start a new habit. Between all our commitments and responsibilities, it’s hard to fit in time for yourself to developing new healthy habits. But it’s still possible! The first step is to create SMART goals, and from there, using a variety of tools and techniques to make sure your habit sticks. 


Create SMART Goals

If you want to start a new healthy habit (or any habit, really), it’s important to set yourself up for success. Creating goals that are SMART is a good place to start. SMART goals are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Goals with these characteristics are much more likely to come to fruition, and having a clearly defined goal in mind will help you make your habits stick. Here’s an example… let’s say you want to start eating healthier and getting more movement in your day to day life. That all sounds great, but it’s too general. Let’s turn this into a SMART goal! 

  • Specific: “Bring a packed lunch that includes at least one vegetable 4 days a week, and take a 15 minute walk outside 3 days a week.” That sounds much more concrete, right?
  • Measurable: Keep track of how often you meet the goal in a notebook or on your phone. You’ll be able to measure how often you bring a healthy lunch and take walks, and there may be times you even surpass your own goal, doing either of these things more often than you set out in your goal.
  • Achievable: Make sure the goal you set isn’t too difficult. Achieving a new goal will never be easy, but it should be doable.
  • Realistic: If your goal is to bring packed lunches to work and take walks a few times a week, make sure your schedule can realistically accommodate this new habit. Set goals that can fit with your normal life.
  • Timely: Set a start date and end date for your goal, where you can commit to the new habit for a certain period of time. Giving yourself a timeline will motivate you to continue. Once you reach the end, you can reevaluate and fine tune your goal to make it a habit that will stick long term.


Set Reminders

Whatever your new healthy habit, it won’t become a habit until you repeat it over and over. When you first start out, you’ll need a little boost. Automatic reminders will give you that little nudge you need to make your habit stick. In the above example, you could set a reminder on your phone to pack your lunch in the evening, and another reminder mid-day to go for a walk. If your new habit is to get more use out of your sit stand desk while at work, a smartphone connected desk switch can provide sit stand reminders and ergonomic goal tracking (like the Sentinel Sit Stand Desk with Bluetooth Switch). Reminders help you stay on track until your goal becomes a habit.


Plan Ahead

If you’re rushed, stressed, or unprepared, it’s easier to skip a day (or two…) on your new healthy habits. Plan ahead so you can stay on track and meet your goals. Pack your lunch the night before, keep your tennis shoes in your work bag or at your desk, and block out time to work on your new habits. If you want to take walks at lunch time, mark your calendar at that time so your schedule is clear. Keep your refrigerator and pantry stocked with healthy, packable lunch options so packing your lunch the night before is a breeze. 


Don’t Do It Alone

Accountability makes us much more likely to stick to our goals and make habits stick. Find a colleague to join you on your walks, swap healthy recipes with a friend or family member, share your goals and progress on social media, and if you need extra support, reach out to people in your network for encouragement. 


Adopting a new habit is not easy at first, but you’ll find it gets easier the more you do it. Celebrate the little successes as you go and keep it up if you fall behind. Habits become habits with repetition, so even if you don’t love it at first, fake it ‘til you make it! Eventually, your new habit will become second nature. 

Need healthy habit ideas? Check out this post: “10 Habits for a Healthier Workday”

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Work Fresh: Give Your Workspace a Refresh with These Easy Ergonomic Updates https://workriteergo.com/work-fresh-give-workspace-refresh-easy-ergonomic-updates/ Tue, 03 Dec 2019 09:00:33 +0000 http://workriteergo.com/?p=20536 Workfresh Give Your Workspace a Refresh with These Ea [...]

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Give Your Workspace a Refresh with These Easy Ergonomic Updates


Is your workspace ergonomic? Are you comfortable throughout the day? Do you ever catch yourself slouching in your chair, straining your neck to see your computer screen, or fidgeting your legs because you’ve been sitting too long? Sounds like it might be time for an ergonomic workspace refresh! Check out the tips below to make your workspace work better for YOU.


Set Up a Sit Stand Workstation

Whether you switch out your standard desk for a sit stand desk or simply add a standing desk converter, creating a workspace where you can both sit AND stand will drastically improve the ergonomics and flexibility of your office. Some people use the term ‘standing desk’, but a fixed height standing desk has the same major problem as a fixed height seated desk: you can’t change positions throughout the day. A sit stand workstation that allows you to easily transition from sitting to standing (and back) is a good investment in your own health, wellness, and comfort. 


Get Yourself an Adjustable Monitor Arm

If the majority of your work is computer-based, being able to adjust the height and tilt of your monitor(s) will allow you to reduce strain on your neck and eyes. Check out this guide for how to set up an ergonomic workcenter, including how to adjust your monitor for optimal ergo positioning. One thing you may not know is that the monitor position usually needs to be adjusted when you change positions between sitting and standing. An articulating monitor arm will allow you to easily adjust your monitor and keep your posture in check. 


Add Desktop Task Lighting

Overhead lights are often too bright or poorly arranged. Desktop task lights allow you to put the right level of light right where you need it so you don’t strain your eyes. Warmer lights can also be beneficial for your mood. Using task lights instead of overhead lights can save on energy costs and help you create a more comfortable work environment.


Check Your Seated & Standing Posture

Poor posture at work contributes to a variety of health issues, including headaches, eye fatigue, and discomfort, especially in the legs, wrists, shoulder, neck and back. With ideal posture, the head aligns over the pelvis, the shoulders are back, and the muscles are balanced. Acceptable working postures include:


Rearrange Your Workspace

To avoid reaching or bending for commonly used items, the things you need throughout the day should be on your desk and within reach. This is called ‘Zones Ergonomics’. Keep your computer mouse and keyboard close enough that you can reach them comfortably while keeping your elbows at 90-degrees and upper arms at your sides. Arrange items like staplers, notepads, and phones so that you can reach them without putting any strain on your body. This is also a good time to clear the clutter and put away the items you don’t use all the time so you have more usable space on your desk.


Take Breaks, Move Often

Ergonomics is all about comfort. Once you’ve created a workspace that’s as comfortable and ergonomic as it can be, you also have to honor your body by taking breaks and moving often. A few times a day, take a break to fill up your water bottle down the hall, do a lap around the office to check in with colleagues, or go for a short walk outside. Whenever you start to feel tight or fatigued, do some stretches right at your desk (desk yoga, anyone?). Make sure to take care of your eyes by taking screen breaks often.

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Work Together: How Company Culture Drives Business https://workriteergo.com/work-together-company-culture-drives-business/ Thu, 01 Aug 2019 08:00:33 +0000 http://workriteergo.com/?p=18943 Worktogether How Company Culture Drives Business [...]

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How Company Culture Drives Business


Work environments are so vital to business success. I don’t mean the decor, equipment, and location (although, those things are important), but how people work together. Companies with a great culture can find better success because they’re more likely to retain valuable employees, attract top talent, and work more efficiently. When people are happy and can work well together, we can all get more done (and feel good doing it!).

The company culture at Workrite is the core of who we are, and how we drive business. The employees here are like family and we’re all dedicated to the work we do, which is why we’re able to do great work! Here are some ways company culture drives business and how you can help build a strong company culture that’s good for business and great for employees.


More innovation

When the culture of a company supports and empowers its employees, those people have the chance to explore new ideas and reimagine the possibilities of what they create. Something as simple as an open door policy for management allows people to bring their innovative ideas forward. When people are happy and supported by a strong self of belonging and camaraderie, they will naturally converse with colleagues and brainstorm new ideas together. The more we work together and support one another, the more innovative results we can bring to life.


Common values, goals, & mission

Getting the whole company on the same page, backing a single mission, helps align people not only to the tasks at hand, but the reason behind them. A company culture that is centered around a core set of values and specific goals, all geared toward a meaningful mission, gives the team a clear sense of direction. When people are working toward the same thing and understand their vital role in bringing it to fruition, everyone can work better together, driving business success.


Retention & recruiting

No one wants to work for a company with a bad (or non-existent) culture. Employees are more likely to stay with the company when they understand and support the mission and can work well within the team. A strong company culture provides a sense of belonging that keeps valuable employees around and can attract new talent. In recruiting, the company culture is increasingly the deciding factor for new hires. People want to know that they will enjoy coming into work everyday. Retaining long-term employees maintains an important wealth of knowledge and attracting top talent helps businesses grow and innovate.


Efficiency & productivity

A good company culture isn’t all about team-building activities, pot-lucks, or ping pong tournaments (although, we like all those things at Workrite); it’s about empowering people to work together to solve problems and produce quality work that backs up the company’s mission. Bringing people together (for work & play) helps us work more efficiently and be more productive. When we understand the company’s goals and feel like we’re part of something bigger, we are empowered to put in the work to drive that mission forward. A good company culture drives teamwork and focuses on the bigger picture, allowing people to work together toward a central purpose.


Culture should be the core of any company. It’s central to what you do and why you do it. It brings people together in support of a common mission and can improve teamwork, efficiency, and innovation. A good culture centers around empowering people, since after all, a company is the sum of its people. Building a strong company culture is the foundation for a future of employee satisfaction and business success.

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Work Simple: Sit Stand Desk or Standing Desk Converter? Choosing the Right Ergonomic Solution https://workriteergo.com/work-simple-sit-stand-ergonomic-solution/ Thu, 18 Jul 2019 09:00:22 +0000 http://workriteergo.com/?p=18753 Worksimple Sit Stand Desk or Standing Desk Converter? [...]

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Sit Stand Desk or Standing Desk Converter? Choosing the Right Ergonomic Solution


Taking the leap from a standard, fixed-height desk to a workstation that allows you to sit and stand can be daunting. There are so many options to choose from. Do you want a sit stand desk that moves the entire worksurface up and down? Or do you want to keep your existing desk and add a standing desk converter as a retrofit sit stand solution? Either option is good, but let’s dive into what to consider when looking for a new ergonomic workstation.


Electric Sit Stand Desks

If you’re ready to give up your old desk, an electric sit stand desk (like Sierra HX) is the best option for optimal adjustability and it will maintain the same style and set up as your previous workstation. Just switch out one desk for another and you’re ready to go. You’ll have a reliable, fully adjustable ergonomic solution that’s so easy to use, you’ll really use it! A good electric sit stand desk will have a switch that allows you to program your sitting and standing heights to seamlessly move positions throughout the day.


Manual Sit Stand Desks

For spaces where access to an electrical outlet may be limited, or as a lower cost alternative, a manual sit stand desk (like Cascade Counterbalance) is another good option. You will have the same benefits as an electric sit stand desk as far as adjustability and maintaining the same workstation setup, without the need to plug in. One downside to manual sit stand desks is they’re not as easy to move as electric sit stand desks.


Desk Mounted Standing Desk Converters

Maybe you’re not ready to give up your fixed height desk, but you’re pretty committed to adding more adjustability and ergonomics to your workspace. Desk mounted standing desk converters (like Solace 2) are exactly what they sound like. They hold your monitor, keyboard, and mouse and mount to the desktop, allowing you to move your equipment up and down for sitting and standing positions. These are great for retrofitting a sit stand system, but keeping your desktop fairly clear.


Desktop Standing Desk Converters

If you want a simple, easy to install, and cost effective option, desktop standing desk converters (like Solace Desktop) are perfect. They sit on top of your existing desk, holding your monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and allowing you to sit and stand comfortably without having to change much about your workstation. Because these sit stand systems go on top of your desk, you may lose some usable desktop space. These systems are a good introduction to sit stand workstations so you can try it out and upgrade later.


Other things to consider

Whichever sit stand solution you choose, make sure it can be adjusted to your height and proportions. Some sit stand desks and standing desk converters are not suitable for everyone. They may not go low enough or high enough for your body to allow you to work comfortably. This ergonomic workcenter guide and the BIFMA guidelines at the bottom of that page will help you determine the height range you need.

Adding a keyboard tray or monitor arm to your sit stand system is another great way to add additional points of adjustability, and will allow you to change the position of your keyboard or monitor when you move between sitting and standing positions. Most standing desk converters come with keyboard trays and monitor arms, but make sure the system you choose can be adjusted at multiple points so you can properly fit your equipment to your body.

Once you decide on the sit stand solution that works best for you, check out our previous blog post to see how to set up your workstation, simply and ergonomically.

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Work Smart: How Smart Workers are Leveraging the Power of Prioritization https://workriteergo.com/work-smart-leveraging-power-prioritization/ Fri, 01 Mar 2019 12:45:23 +0000 http://workriteergo.com/?p=17396 Worksmart How Smart Workers are Leveraging the Power [...]

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How Smart Workers are Leveraging the Power of Prioritization


The phrase “work smarter, not harder” is everywhere, but for a good reason. We spend so much of our time working, but how much are we actually getting done? Working smart means being productive not just busy. If at the end of the day, all you’ve done is clean out your email (good for you, by the way!), was that really a productive use of your time?


Be Productive, not Busy

Smart workers and savvy employers are beginning to understand that being busy and being productive are very different. Productive employees are good for the business and are more satisfied with their jobs. They produce higher quality work in less time. Meanwhile, their busy counterparts are feeling overwhelmed, working really hard, but not working smart. Smart workers can also make use of technology to boost productivity.


Prioritize Yourself

Prioritizing yourself is the first step to working smarter. In order to be productive at work, you have to take care of your body, mind, and spirit. This means taking breaks often, getting plenty of sleep, and reducing stress. Some workers are so focused on working more and working hard that they allow their work to take away from their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. The best thing you can do to get ahead at work is be healthy, happy, and focused (here’s some great tips to boost happiness at work and away).


Fix Your To-Do List

Next, you can prioritize your work tasks. If you have a mile-long to-do list, what is most important? What deadlines are approaching? Are any of these tasks unnecessary? Can they be completed by someone else? Whittle it down as much as you can. Each day, give yourself a handful of tasks to focus on, whatever is highest priority and can realistically be completed that day. There are lots of great online project management tools that can help you stay organized, and all that organization might help you get promoted.


Define Action Items

The to-do list is a powerful tool if you use it to your advantage. Each task you put on the list needs to be actionable. This means it is specific enough to be marked “done” when it’s done. If your list items are too broad, try turning them into actionable tasks. If you want to start a blog, for example, don’t just put “start blog” on your to-do list. Instead, you could say “write one, 800-word blog post today”. Want to take it a step further? Adding time limits to each task will help you stay on track and can even help you work faster.


Organize Your Work Day

Organizing your work day to ensure high productivity can be a challenge. We’re often interrupted by unexpected urgencies. We’re constantly checking email and getting push notifications on our phones and desktops. While multitasking may seem like a good idea, no one can do it well. If you try to do everything at once, you’ll end up doing a lot of things badly rather than doing one thing well. Turn off desktop and phone notifications and give yourself a few minutes each hour or two to check them. Odds are, those emails can wait until you’re at a good stopping point.


Take More Breaks

Chunk your tasks and take breaks often. You can customize this to your workload and personal schedule but try four stints of focused work separated by short (or long) breaks. For example, work for two hours, take a short walk around the building, work for two more hours, take your lunch break. Back at your desk for the afternoon, work for two hours, stop and do some stretches at your desk, work for two more hours, go home! All these breaks throughout the day may seem counterintuitive, as that’s time spent not working, but this is actually super valuable. Taking breaks lets you reset and refocus, which will make you more productive. For an overall healthier workday, check out these 10 healthy workday habits.


Prioritization is a great tool for getting more work done without wasting any time. Use these takeaways to get started working smarter today:

  • Be productive, not busy
  • Prioritize yourself
  • Create an actionable, prioritized daily to-do list
  • Cut out distracting time-sucks
  • Chunk your work and take breaks in-between

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Work Happy: 10 Work/Life Hacks to Boost Happiness https://workriteergo.com/work-happy-10-work-life-hacks-boost-happiness/ Wed, 02 Jan 2019 13:00:04 +0000 http://workriteergo.com/?p=17097 Workhappy 10 Work/Life Hacks to Boost Happiness W [...]

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10 Work/Life Hacks to Boost Happiness


We all want to live a happy life. When most of our time is spent at work, it’s important to build happiness into our work life, too. Here’s some quick tips to start boosting your happiness at work and away.


1. Create your happiness routine

A happiness routine? Yep, that’s right. Small habits that we do every day can make or break our happiness, and building a routine around boosting your mood means you’ll be constantly building yourself up in small and easy ways.

Think about the things that make you happy. Maybe it’s spending time with family, being productive at work, or unwinding with a book at the end of the day. Create a routine that focuses on the little things that make you feel good and prioritize your daily tasks with those in mind. Each small happy act will help you build happiness into every day.


2. Add some movement

Physical activity has been shown to boost your mood because it releases endorphins, reduces stress, and balances hormones. You don’t have to spend an hour at the gym to get these benefits. Simply taking a walk, doing some stretches, or standing throughout the day will make you happier.

Try a sit stand desk or standing desk converter so you can stand while you work, getting some activity in while you check tasks off your to do list.


Simply taking a walk, doing some stretches, or standing throughout the day will make you happier.


3. Get the right amount of sleep

Getting enough sleep, roughly 7-8 hours a night, decreases your risk of health conditions, helps maintain your immune system, and strengthens your memory retention. Sleep helps you reset, rebuild, and get ready for the day ahead. It’s even been shown to increase creative thinking.

If you struggle to get enough sleep, try building some sleep-friendly habits into your day: stick to a sleep schedule, moderate sleep-disturbing substances like caffeine and alcohol, get regular exercise, and work on reducing stress.


4. Build your social connections

Connecting with others, whether it’s family and friends or casual work acquaintances, will give you a huge happiness boost. Focus on spending time with positive people, because after all, happiness is contagious. Build connections with those closest to you, and seek out others who share your interests. Plan activities around your schedule that allow you to maintain your relationships and create new ones. If time is limited, use technology to stay connected.


5. Go outside, bring the outside in

Spending time in nature can relieve stress, boost your mood, and increase creativity. Try taking a walk around the block in the middle of the workday to get some fresh air and light exercise. You can also bring the outside in with potted plants or adjust your workspace so you’re near a window. The natural light and greenery will help you feel a little happier all day long.


6. Say ‘yes, and…’

Burnout is real, and saying yes to everything is a quick way to zap your happiness. When your plate is full, it’s okay to say ‘no’. The best way to say no is to say ‘yes, and…’. This response lets you set realistic expectations that respect both yourself and others.

For example, you have a long list of things to get done and your co-worker asks for help on a project. Instead of saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’, you can say ‘yes, and I will be able to help you tomorrow once I check a few more things off my list.’ This strategy ensures you stay sane and meet the expectations of others.


7. Do one thing at a time

Multitasking is draining and can lead to mental fatigue and unhappiness. You may think you’re doing twice the work in half the time, but by doing just one thing at a time, you’ll actually produce better results that get you closer to your goals.

Try listing your tasks for the day with the top three priorities on top. Make sure your to do list is in order of importance and includes only actionable objectives so you can confidently check things off when they’re done.


Trying something new, learning a new skills, or being challenged to push yourself feels good. Variety is energizing and helps boost happiness.


8. Mix it up

New experiences, challenges, and information are invigorating. Trying something new, learning a new skills, or being challenged to push yourself feels good. Variety is energizing and helps boost happiness.

Try taking an online class to learn a new skill. Go to an exercise class to challenge yourself and get some physical activity in. Seek out a challenging project at work or start a home improvement project.


9. Work/life balance

It’s easy to get bogged down by your to-do list at work, but maintaining a healthy work/life balance will help you be happy, at work and at home. To juggle everything you do, set your priorities holistically. Think about all the things that are important to you, and set priorities each day with your work and home responsibilities in mind. With a balanced life, you’ll be happier, too.


10. Set smart goals

Achieving your goals will give you a huge happiness boost, but make sure your goals are SMART.

  • Specific – be specific about what your goals are and how you want to improve
  • Measurable – outline quantifiable results that indicate progress
  • Achievable – create goals that can realistically be achieved
  • Relevant – make your goals relevant to you, something you care about
  • Time-bound – include a timeline in your goals and when results can be achieved



These work/life hacks are just a few quick and easy ways to boost your happiness, at work and in life. Which tip will you try first?

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Work Inspired: Creative Office Interiors Increase Happiness and Productivity https://workriteergo.com/work-inspired-creative-office-interiors-increase-happiness-and-productivity/ Thu, 01 Nov 2018 07:01:50 +0000 http://workriteergo.com/?p=15212 Workinspired Creative Office Interiors Increase Happin [...]

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Creative Office Interiors Increase Happiness and Productivity


Offices used to have a boring, predictable layout: a sea of cubicles or hallways lined with private offices. Workplace interior design was generally drab. The spaces were highly functional, but not interesting. Offices of the past did not attempt to increase employees’ happiness or productivity.

Now, office interiors are becoming more open, flowing, and fun. The adoption of huddle spaces and lounge-like coworking areas are slowly replacing stiff conference rooms and cubicles. The walls of private offices are coming down in favor of open office plans, while maintaining a focus on flexibility, privacy, and noise reduction.

Modern workplace interior design is not only more visually interesting, but can have a positive impact on behavior and mood. Human-centered design, natural lighting, greenery, and flexible layouts boost happiness, health, and productivity.


Creative Design

Interesting colors, textures, architecture, and furniture can boost creativity, which in turn boosts mood and motivation. This effect is increased when you have the ability to customize the aesthetics of your environment. Adding a piece of artwork or a photo that you find pleasing is great for your mood.



Natural light (and lots of it) has been proven to increase productivity. Much like the effects of plants and greenery, warm sun-like lighting makes people happier. Large windows and skylights bring the outside in, minimizing the harmful effects of being cooped up inside for 8+ hours a day. Personal desk lights that use LEDs in a warmer tone allow people to personalize their space, providing light where and when they need it. This kind of lighting is also better for the company as it reduces energy costs by using light more efficiently.




Delegated Spaces

Modern office design includes a variety of spaces, giving people flexibility and choice. Multi-use environments that are functional and comfortable allow employees to change their scenery based on their own work style.


Workplaces are beginning to come around to the idea that employees need time and space to relax at work. While some are adding napping pods, others are simply creating lounging space that makes the office feel like a home.


With an open office environment, things often get noisy. Providing quiet spaces for people to do deep work is imperative to maintain employee satisfaction and efficiency. Creating a culture that values privacy and quiet time will boost use of these space, making everyone feel welcome to choose the environment where they work best.


Conference rooms are slowly being replaced by interesting collaborative environments that feel more like your local coffee shop than your average office meeting area. Spaces like this encourage people to brainstorm and innovate, solving problems in creative ways.




Hot Desks

Activity-based work and shared workspaces allow employees the flexibility to change their working environment on-demand. Without assigned desks, people can move around freely, bringing the flexibility of remote work to the office. This setup works well for some people but not for everyone.


Workstations that adjust and move to fit the worker are great for happiness, health, and productivity. Sit stand desks allow people to get more movement in their day, increasing health and energy. More energy makes people more engaged and productive. Ergonomic office furniture helps workers adjust their equipment to reduce fatigue and risk of injury, which allows them to be more productive. With office environments that are made for the humans that use them, employees and companies reap the rewards.


Modern office spaces have to constantly adapt to changing technology. As employees spend more of their time working remotely, the use of laptops in the office increases. As work becomes more digital, the workers’ physical space becomes more sparse and employees can freely move with just a laptop in hand. Technology in the office will continue to change, and work environments will have to change with it.

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Work Confidently: 5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence at Work https://workriteergo.com/work-confidently-5-ways-to-boost-your-confidence-at-work/ Mon, 01 Oct 2018 07:01:28 +0000 http://workriteergo.com/?p=15195 Workconfidently 5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence at Wo [...]

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5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence at Work


Education, experience, and hard work are all important aspects to being successful in the corporate world. A solid resume of tangible achievements and applicable skills might land you the job of your dreams, but growing your career requires a level of confidence in yourself and your abilities. While some people may be naturally self-confident, it takes a lot of practice for most of us to build self-esteem. Finding ways to boost your confidence every day will set you up to succeed.


1. Act the Part

The impression that others make of you can have a huge impact on your career. No matter the dress code, a professional outfit shows that you take your job seriously and want to be seen as a promotion-worthy professional. When you dress for success, you can still be comfortable. If you’re constantly adjusting your clothes or limping around the office in shoes that hurt, you won’t feel very confident and others will notice.

Smile, be approachable, and ask people about themselves. Confident people tend to smile more, which increases happiness for them and those around them. Being approachable and friendly will make you feel more connected to those you work with, which ultimately boosts confidence.

Walk with confidence. Good posture and a pep and your step can really boost your mood and has a ripple effect on those around you. Walking with confidence really does make you feel more confident, and will make others feel good, too! Try these healthy habits to boost your mood and focus.


2. Prepare and Practice

Being prepared is a great way to be more confident. If you know what you need to do and how much time you have to do it, you’ll have a clear path to complete your tasks. Keep detailed and up-to-date to do lists so you never miss an important deadline. Being organized will make you more productive and might just get you promoted.

If you have a big meeting or presentation (or even a small one) coming up, make sure you do your research so you can confidently answer any questions. As you complete tasks, review how they went and track how you can improve next time. Focus on your strengths and successes to refine your skills. Notice and congratulate yourself on small wins, even if no one else does. Every little success will give you a little confidence boost, which will grow over time.


Notice and congratulate yourself on small wins. Every little success will give you a little confidence boost, which will grow over time.



3. Keep Learning

Pin point where you are, what you know well and what you can improve on. Start by researching your industry and area of expertise. Read up on useful skills that you use everyday plus soft skills, like communication, time management, and leadership. A better understanding of your field will allow you to confidently speak about what you do and help you understand how you can do better.

Build new skills by taking online classes, signing up for webinars, attending industry events, or watching TED Talks. Look at the skills your boss has in order to be in that position and focus on growing your knowledge and experience in that area. Expanding your skills to include those of your boss or boss’s boss will open the door to bigger career opportunities..


4. Set Clear Expectations

Make sure that your boss and co-workers understand what to expect of you. You don’t always have to go above and beyond to be confident, but you do have to be reliable and communicate clearly. Set expectations for what you plan to work on and how long you expect it to take. Holding yourself accountable to these goals boosts your confidence and builds your credibility with others.

As long as you’re realistic from the start, you can meet (or exceed) expectations. Once you and your team members are all on the same page, you can work confidently and trumpet your successes with the (on-time) completion of each project.


5. Ask Questions

If you’re not sure how to complete a task or need clarification in order to do what’s expected of you, just ask! Asking questions is actually a sign of confidence because it shows you’re willing to speak up and that you want to do a good job.

Ask for feedback from your boss or co-workers so you know how you’re doing. Any positive feedback will surely boost your confidence, knowing you’re doing well at important aspects of your job. But don’t take any constructive criticism personally. There is always room for improvement, so take all feedback as a catalyst for growth.

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