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Pro Tips for Pro Switches

Did You Know Your Desk Could Do This?


Sit stand desks are great for helping us get more movement into a normal workday. The idea is not to stand constantly, but to ensure you change positions often, alternating between sitting and standing. Stand for a few minutes when you get to your desk after a long commute. Stand while you take a phone call. Stand after lunch to help maintain your focus and avoid the afternoon crash. Stand when your back feels a little tight or your neck is stiff. Adjustments give you freedom and that is good for your body and your mind!

A sit stand desk with a programmable switch will help you go from sitting to standing (and back again), easier than ever. Here’s our favorite, and maybe surprising, features of programmable sit stand desk switches.


Preset Heights

While standard sit stand desk switches require you to manually move the desk up and down, letting go of the button at your desired height, nearly all pro switches have the ability to program preset heights for sitting and standing. Others even let you store preset heights for multiple users. If the switch allows for three preset heights, the third one is usually for when the user is wearing taller shoes, like high heels. So they would set a sitting height, a standing height with flat shoes, and a standing height with heeled shoes. When it’s time to change positions, the user just needs to press the button for their desired preset height, and the desk will stop at that exact position. No more hunting around for the right height; the desk does that for you!


Custom Height Min/Max

Custom heights are minimum and maximum heights that the user sets, forcing the desk to stop short of its total range. Let’s say you have a mobile ped under your desk that is on the taller side. Your desk can technically go all the way down and collide with the ped, so to avoid this, you’d set a custom min height on the pro switch to ensure the desk never goes down far enough to run into the mobile ped. The same goes for maximum heights, like if you have a shelf or other obstacle above the desk. You could set the switch to never go beyond a height just below that shelf to avoid any potential collisions.


Lock & Unlock

If you’ve ever accidentally moved your sit stand desk by, let’s say, hitting the switch with the arm of your chair, or bumping into the switch while leaning against the desk, you know it’s startling! To avoid any unexpected movement of the desk, most pro switches have a locking feature. Once enabled, the desk will not move up or down until you unlock the desk. This can be useful if the desk is in a public area or if it is used as a task table that is intended to stay put.


Smartphone Controlled

The Sierra/Fundamentals Bluetooth Switch and the Sentinel Bluetooth Switch can both be controlled with your smartphone through a custom app. This gives you the ability to set your height settings, track your sit/stand history, and get reminders that align with your activity goals. With the Sentinel Bluetooth Switch, you can also enable One Touch Auto Move, which makes changing working positions a breeze. Changing sit stand desk heights usually requires you to hold a button down, even if you have preset heights, but not with the Sentinel Bluetooth Switch. Just tap “sit” or “stand” via the smartphone app, and the desk will move all by itself to your desired preset height.


Workrite Programmable Switches

Solace Electric Standing Desk Converter comes with a programmable switch. Sierra HX, Fundamentals EX/LX, and Sentinel sit stand desks all have programmable switch options, and you can upgrade to a pro switch anytime.


Solace Electric Standing Desk Converter


Sierra/Fundamentals Bluetooth Switch


Sierra/Fundamentals Programmable Switch


Sierra/Fundamentals Programmable Switch


Sierra/Fundamentals Programmable Switch

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Work Neat: How to Keep Your Cables Neat & Why It Matters Wed, 15 Apr 2020 12:00:46 +0000 Workneat How to Keep Your Cables Neat & Why It Ma [...]

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How to Keep Your Cables Neat & Why It Matters


Messy cables under your desk is not a good look. With sit stand desks, cable management is especially important because the desk needs to be able to seamlessly move up and down without cables getting caught, tangled, or ripped from their plugs. Whether you’re a cable managing pro or a total novice, here’s how to finally get your cables under control and why cable management is so important.


Different Types of Cable Managers

Make sure you have the right tools for the job. There are two main types of cable managers: horizontal or vertical. Horizontal cable managers run cables horizontally along the underside of your worksurface, from one end to the other, toward the nearest outlet. This keeps cords tucked up against the worksurface so you don’t see them dangling. Vertical cable managers run cables from the tabletop down to the wall or floor outlet and keep them in one neat bundle. This ensures that there is a single group of cords going from your desk down to the outlet. 

We recommend using both a horizontal cable manager — like a cable trough — and a vertical cable  manager — like a cable chain — and supplement any weak spots with cable ties, clips, or sleeves. Pro tip: make sure your cable managers are the right size. Wire Ways can be cut to size and cable chains can unlinked using quick ball and socket connections for the perfect fit.


Horizontal Cable Manager – Cable Trough


Vertical Cable Manager – Cable Chain

Start from Scratch

If your cables are a mess, the only way to really get them wrangled is to start from scratch. That means unplugging everything and removing your current “cable management”. Start over with the right cable management solutions to fit your workspace and technology equipment, and don’t cut corners. You may also need a power strip, extension cords, and/or zip ties to complete this project. 

Once you have a cable-free desk, install your new cable manager(s). Now you’re ready for the actual cable managing part – keep going!


Manage Your Cables Like a Pro

Start with the cords that you know you won’t need to move often, like your CPU, desk light, or any other fixed objects. Whether you’re using a cable management trough, chain, or sleeve, place your equipment onto your desk and start organizing your cables. 

Pro Tip: leave some slack! For all your cords, but especially the items you may need to move like your monitor, phone, and electric sit stand desk, leave a little slack. If you’re using a cable trough, you can keep the extra bit of cord neatly tucked away, allowing you to move your equipment when needed, but keeping that slack out of sight. We love a combination of a cable trough and a vertical cable manager, like the cable chain or mesh sleeve. This ensures that cables are neatly organized all the way to the outlet.


Why It Matters

Now your desk ought to be looking nice and neat, with cords and cables out of your way and out of sight. Why does it matter to have your cable under control? The biggest reason is safety — cords can be a tripping hazard. It’s also important that your sit stand desk is able to freely move up and down without the cables getting caught. The other big reason is aesthetics; no one likes a messy desk and keeping cables neat is an easy way to clear the visual clutter. Neat cables also make your workspace easier to use and easier to clean. It’s the first step to setting up a workspace that works right!

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Work Neat: The 4 Things I Always Keep on My Desk, and All the Things I Don’t Wed, 01 Apr 2020 08:00:42 +0000 Workneat The 4 Things I Always Keep on My Desk, and A [...]

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The 4 Things I Always Keep on My Desk, and All the Things I Don’t


There are two kinds of people in the office, those who keep a neat desk, and those who don’t. While there’s nothing wrong with a messy desk, it can be distracting to you and those you work with. Some say a messy desk is the sign of a creative person, and what we call “mess” might be totally organized to someone else. But a neat desk actually can have a huge impact on your work.

Your desk represents who you are, and people form impressions of you based on your workspace. A tidy desk projects a level of efficiency and professionalism, and most people feel they can be more productive and focused in a neat and tidy office environment.

Working at a desk cluttered with papers and notes can make workers feel overwhelmed (whether they know it or not), and that outward chaos can lead to inner stress. These things can distract from the important tasks at hand and make you scattered. Keeping only the bare necessities on your desk will not only calm the chaos, but will allow you to be more efficient and productive every day.


The 4 Things I Always Keep on My Desk:


1. A Task Light

Lighting is a commonly overlooked ergonomic tool. How is lighting ergonomic, you say? Well, proper lighting where and when you need it allows you to see what you need to see without moving your body to find the right light or straining your eyes to read in dim light.

Those overhead fluorescents might seem nice, but they’re often not enough. The perfect task light is dimmable to fit the brightness you need, adjustable to point in the right direction, and has a light spectrum that represents true colors, like this one.

Companies can save on energy costs by reducing overhead light levels and providing workers with desktop task lights. To offset investment costs, research from the American Optometric Association says that “increasing task contrast is an important means of increasing overall performance.” So a task light will not only improve your ergonomics while you work, reducing fatigue and injury, but can increase your productivity, too.


2. A Plant

Having a plant on your desk helps bring some life to your space (literally). We all know the emotional and psychological benefits of a walk in the woods, so why not bring some greenery into your office? Spending time in nature (or bringing nature to you) can lift your mood and boost creative energy.

The best desk plants grow in low light with minimal maintenance, and some can even help filter the air. Try an air plant, succulent, spider plant, or snake plant in a pot near a window or under a desk light (natural light is best, but a desk light will work, too).


3. A Notepad

While many of us work 100% online, the trusted pen and paper are still great for keeping track of to-do’s, taking quick notes, and carrying with you to meetings.

The best way to cement important notes in your memory is to rewrite (or type) them. If you keep a to-do list in your notepad, rewrite it every morning with the top 3 tasks for the day so you can focus on what’s most important. When you get back to your desk after a meeting, rewrite or type up your notes so you’re more likely to remember them.

Another notepad perk, they’re great for doodling! Mind-mapping, bringing visual structure to notes, is a great brainstorming tool to develop innovative solutions to complex problems.


4. A Water Bottle

Depending on your body, most of us are supposed to drink about eight, 8 oz glasses of water a day (that’s half a gallon). Staying hydrated can increase energy, brain function, and memory. Water is great at relieving fatigue, even headaches and back pain! By drinking plenty of water, you’ll be productive and comfortable all day.

Keep a reusable water bottle on your desk and refill it a few times a day; you’ll be hydrated and have a chance to get up and take a stroll to the water cooler.


All the Things I Keep in My Drawer:


Mobile pedestals and file cabinets are a great way to store your supplies, and some can even double as a visitor chair by adding a pad on top.

Having storage space near your desk not only keeps you organized, it keeps you focused. With distractions out of sight, you can home in on the things that are important. While a clean and clear desk is great, there are still some tools you need throughout the day that should be nearby. 


Office Supplies

This is a broad term, but depending on the kind of work you do, your drawers should be stocked with pens, markers, staplers, scissors, paper clips, tape, and sticky notes. Keep these items organized with drawer dividers.


Cleaning Supplies

A neat desk should also be a clean desk! Spring cleaning your workspace can keep dust at bay and monitors free of fingerprints. 

Keep cleaning spray or wipes in your drawer so you can scrub down your worksurface once a week. Use microfiber cleaning cloths to wipe off your monitor, laptop, and phone (so you can actually see your screens!).

Hand sanitizer is also a good desk drawer staple. Colds and flus can spread fast through an office, so arm yourself with disinfectant to ward off sickness.


Electronic Accessories

Keep charging cords, back-up batteries, and USB drives in your drawer in case you need them. A couple AAA’s can save the day when your wireless mouse suddenly dies and you’ve got a deadline fast approaching. 


Important Documents

Record-keeping is a lost art, as most invoices, receipts, and important documents live in our email trash (oops). A better way is to print out and organize important reference material and records in your file cabinet. Use hanging file folders with labels to keep your documents neat and tidy.



Trying to work when you’re running low on energy can be exhausting, and doesn’t produce quality results. Keeping healthy snacks at your desk for the mid-afternoon slump can help you drill down on your to-do list. Choose foods that are shelf-stable and nutrient rich, like mixed nuts, beef jerky, granola bars, or dried fruit. Store your snacks in air-tight containers so you don’t attract any unwelcome guests.


Tennis Shoes

Fitting in some exercise into your busy work-week can be difficult, but try squeezing in a brisk lunch-break walk or run. By keeping comfortable exercise shoes at your desk, you can quickly change your shoes and take an exercise break during the day.

Even a short stroll can help you feel good and stay focused for the rest of the day. Research shows that just 30 minutes of walking during the day can make employees happier and more productive.


A Book

Taking breaks throughout the day can do wonders for your work. While a walk is great for your body, giving your mind a break can make it easier to tackle work tasks. 

Keep a book in your drawer, something that’s entertaining and will take your mind off your work. Taking a mental break can help stimulate information retention and reduce stress.



Unless you are lucky enough to have your own office, you may have to deal with the noise that comes along with an open office space. Phones ringing and constant chatter can be really distracting.

Use a pair of noise-cancelling headphones to drown out the noise and focus on your work. Try listening to calming music without lyrics, like instrumental version of your favorite songs.


A neat desk is a helpful tool that productive employees use to stay focused. If you’re a messy desk kind of person, examine what items you use or enjoy, and slowly remove the ones you don’t. Adopt an organization system that works for you. You may find that a tidy desk changes the way you work. Need help getting organized? Check out these storage and organization accessories.

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Work Remote: How to Set Up an Ergonomic Home Office Tue, 24 Mar 2020 08:00:56 +0000 Workremote How to Set Up an Ergonomic Home Office [...]

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How to Set Up an Ergonomic Home Office


You may have suddenly found yourself working from home and are quickly realizing that your home office is not nearly as comfortable or ergonomic as your regular office. Don’t worry! We’ve prepared a quick and easy checklist for creating an ergonomic workspace no matter where you’re working. Just follow this basic set up guide to create a more ergonomic and productive home office.


Sit Stand Desk / Standing Desk Converter

The most important thing you can do for yourself is move on a regular basis. Your workstation should allow you to make frequent adjustments, and alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. 

Most of us don’t have sit stand desks at home (lucky you, if you do!), so we have to improvise. We’ve seen some crazy makeshift sit stand situations — like balancing your laptop on a pile of books — but we have a better solution… the Standing Desk Converter (**sounds of angels singing**). These babies will save your life when working from home because they’re extremely easy to install, basically just set it on top of any desk or table, and they have a wide range of adjustability. Tilt the keyboard for better wrist alignment, adjust the height for sitting or standing, and easily move the entire system when needed, like when you’re working from your kitchen table (we get it; we’ve been there).

We have a wide variety of Standing Desk Converters, but we definitely recommend Solace Electric because it’s a simple, retrofit sit stand option with the added bonus of electric height adjustability. And guess what? Solace Electric is on sale right now!


Monitor Arm / Laptop Holder

Working on a laptop? Staring down at a screen (or up, for that matter) is terrible for your neck. Whether you’re working on a laptop or a regular desktop, a monitor arm can help put your computer screen in the right position. Your monitor should be directly in front of you when sitting up straight, with your eyes hitting the top third of the screen. If you have to tilt your head up or down, your monitor needs an adjustment. A monitor arm is a simple fix to ensure you can work comfortably. We’d recommend Conform Single Articulating (for 1 monitor) or Conform Dual Articulating (for 2 monitors); they’re simple to use and give you the adjustability you need for proper ergonomic positioning.

Our monitor arms have an easy-to-install c-clamp base that mounts onto the edge of any desk or table, and they attach to any monitor with a VESA mount. You can add a Laptop Holder to the monitor arm and use your laptop like any other monitor. Just use a separate keyboard and mouse and you’re good to go! Trust us, you WILL notice the difference, and your neck will thank you.

Note: If you’re using a Standing Desk Converter, it may come with its own monitor mount. Score!


Helpful Accessories

Complete your home office set up with a few helpful accessories. If you plan on standing a lot, an anti-fatigue mat helps reduce leg and lower back discomfort. If your chair is not quite the right height for you, a footrest will help you prop your feet up. Desktop task lights are great for putting the right amount of light, right where you need it. For a more permanent home office, you may want to think about cable management solutions or storage accessories.


Practice Good Posture

Once you have the right equipment in place, let’s make sure it’s set up for optimal ergonomics and you are practicing good posture.

  • Forearms should be parallel to the floor with elbows at 90 degrees.
  • Wrists, neck and head should be in a relaxed neutral position – not angled up or down. 
  • The distance between your eyes and the monitor should be at least arms’ length. 
  • The top one-third of your computer screen should be positioned at or below eye level. 
  • When seated, adjust the height of your seat so that your feet are resting firmly on the floor and knees are at 90 degrees.
  • When standing, ensure your head, shoulders, hips, and ankles are in alignment and keep your weight evenly distributed between both feet.

Once you have your posture down, make sure to change it up often. Alternating between sitting and standing, stretching every so often, and making small adjustments throughout the day are really good for your body and will fend off fatigue.


The Ergonomic Home Office Checklist:

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Work Flexible: Why Keyboard Trays Are Still Useful, Even if They’re Not Cool Tue, 18 Feb 2020 09:00:37 +0000 Workflexible Why Keyboard Trays Are Still Useful, Eve [...]

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Why Keyboard Trays Are Still Useful, Even if They’re Not Cool


Adjustable keyboard trays are a great way to provide maximum ergonomic benefits and greater levels of comfort for any workforce. When used in conjunction with fixed height desks, or with sit stand desks featuring limited ranges of adjustability, a keyboard tray can improve the overall usability and ergonomic functionality of the entire workcenter. Workrite offers a broad selection of keyboard tray systems as well as individual keyboard platforms and keyboard arms, providing multiple solutions for virtually any application.

“They may not be cool, but keyboard trays are a great ergonomic solution.”

Keyboard trays are a classic office fixture and aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. They may not be cool, but they are a great ergonomic solution that allow users to properly align their arms, wrists, and hands while typing.

We’re always striving to make ergonomics “cool” to help people everywhere work better and more comfortably. We get that keyboard trays are not necessarily the coolest, but it’s important to note how they can be useful and why they’ve stuck around.


Add Ergonomics to Any Desk

Stuck with a fixed height desk that isn’t the right height for you to work comfortably? Can’t get your elbows at a 90 degree angle with your keyboard on top of the desk? Keyboard tray to the rescue! Keyboard trays turn a fixed height desk into an ergonomic workstation in an instant. Most fixed height desks are too tall for shorter people or too short for taller people. The adjustable keyboard arm allows people of different heights to use standard, fixed height desks by simply moving the keyboard tray up or down for better ergonomic positioning of the arms and wrists.


Fight Carpal Tunnel and Other Hand/Wrist Ailments

Proper ergonomic positioning of the arms and wrists will help fight carpal tunnel and other musculoskeletal disorders of the hands and wrists. If you’re constantly working with your arms reaching or bending, or wrists at a stand angle, you’ll eventually develop discomfort in your wrists and hands, which if unchecked, could turn into a serious issue. Keyboard trays help workers fight off these ailments by achieving and maintaining proper ergonomic positioning and the ability to change positions when fatigue strikes.


Fit For Anyone

From the shortest person to the tallest, an adjustable keyboard tray lets you put the keyboard right where it belongs so it fits better to your body. A keyboard positioned too high or low can cause problems for your arms, wrists, hands. This is often the case when working at a fixed height desk. A keyboard tray makes any old desk work for anyone, no matter their height.


Find the Right Angle

By angling the keyboard tray up or down, you can keep your wrists in a neutral position. If you lean back in your chair as you type, you may want to angle the keyboard tray up, If you lean forward, you may want to angle to keyboard tray down, However you angle it, keep your wrists in alignment with your elbows.


Different Types of Keyboard Trays

There are a variety of keyboard tray options with different levels of adjustability. The most basic keyboard tray has a compact design where the mouse and keyboard are on the same platform and the entire tray is mounted to a keyboard arm, allowing you to push the tray under the desk, or pull it forward, adjust up and down slightly, and tilt the tray. Others will have a separate mouse tray that can slide side to side, forward or back, allowing you to have the mouse in a different position than the rest of the keyboard tray. Some will even have two mouse trays—right and left—to quickly and easily accommodate different users without having to use tools to change the mouse tray position. Finally, you have your extended range keyboard tray systems, which can create a sit stand workstation without a whole new desk.


No matter what you choose, adding an adjustable keyboard tray to your desk can drastically improve the ergonomics of your workstation, reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and fatigue, and help you work more comfortably. We get it; keyboard trays may not be cool, but they’re a quick and easy way to improve the ergonomics of any workspace!


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Work Flexible: Dual or Single? Static or Articulating? Monitor Arms Explained Tue, 04 Feb 2020 09:00:43 +0000 Workflexible Dual or Single? Static or Articulating? [...]

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Dual or Single? Static or Articulating? Monitor Arms Explained


There are a ton of monitor arm options, from static monitor arms that allow for limited adjustments, to articulating arms that give a wide range of motion. Choosing the right monitor arm doesn’t have to be difficult. The main things to consider are the equipment you need to support, the adjustability you want to have, and the desk you intend to mount the monitor arm on. 

Monitor arms can be used with either fixed height or sit stand desks and are an excellent way to achieve the optimal level of adjustability recommended by ergonomists. When used appropriately, monitor arms can help workers avoid the development of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), aid in the management of existing MSD, and help alleviate eye strain associated with long hours of computer use in the office.

“Monitor arms are an excellent way to achieve the optimal level of adjustability recommended by ergonomists.”

Monitor arms enable users to maintain neutral position of their shoulders, neck and back by allowing them to position their computer screen in the perfect location and angle for their height and the type of task they are performing. This adjustability is especially beneficial to users who wear corrective multi-focal lenses.

Research indicates that proper ergonomics in the office can increase worker productivity by 10-15% depending on the type of work being performed. Monitor arms are a key component to providing real ergonomic solutions that contribute to a more comfortable and productive environment.

Let’s explore the different types of monitor arms and the features and benefits of each. No matter which you choose, adding an adjustable monitor arm will greatly increase the ergonomics of your workstation and help you work healthy and comfortably.


Articulating Monitor Arms

Articulating arms have multiple points of adjustability and can be pulled forward or pushed back, move up and down, and swivel with ease. A good articulating monitor arm will have a gas spring to allow for smooth maneuverability without much effort from the user. You should be able to adjust the position of the monitor with one hand. 


Static Monitor Arms

Static monitor arms allow for adjustability up/down and forward/back, but movements are more limited than with an articulating arm. You can easily adjust forward and back to improve focal distance. Repositioning the height (where the arm attaches to the pole) may require tools and, in general, these types of arms are not as easy to adjust throughout the day, which you might need if you’re using it on a sit stand desk. Static arms are great for touch screens, as they provide fixed resistance, or to support the weight of 3 or more monitors.


Extended Range Monitor Arms

Extended range arms are often a combination of articulating and static arms, like an articulating arm attached to a pole. This allows for a larger range of motion and can even be used to create a sit stand workstation out of a fixed height desk. They’re also great for deep worksurfaces and corner applications.


Adjustability Factors

When choosing a monitor arm, you’ll want to consider how adjustable the arm is and the range of motion supported. 

  • Tilt allows you to angle the monitor up or down. This is especially important if you use multi-focal lenses, as angling the monitor up allows you to look down slightly. 
  • Pivot allows you to angle the monitor side to side. Depending on where the monitor arm is mounted in reference to where you sit, pivot can be an important factor. Many articulating arms will offer 180-360 degree pivot. 
  • Rotation allows you to swivel the monitor between landscape and portrait orientation or anywhere in between. If the mount that attaches to the monitor offers 180 degree rotation, you could position your monitor vertically.
  • Forward reach is the distance between the desk mount and the monitor. An extended range arm would have a larger forward reach. If you have a deep worksurface, you would want more forward reach.
  • Height range is the distance between the highest point and lowest point that the monitor mount reaches. With static arms, this would be adjusted by where the arm mounts to the pole. On articulating arms, this depends how much range of motion the arm has. 
  • Stowed depth is the space the monitor arm takes up when fully stowed, between the back of the desk mount and the front of the monitor mount. When using on a shallow worksurface, you would want a small stowed depth so the monitor arm can move back far enough on the desk. A compact stowed depth also allows you greater access to the worksurface for non-computer-related tasks.
  • Maximum monitor height for full range of motion is the tallest you’d want your monitor to be to maintain the monitor arm’s full range of adjustability. If your monitor is too tall, the arm will not have as much range of motion.


Mounting Options

You can mount monitor arms to the desk with either a C-Clamp or Grommet mount. C-Clamp would slide onto the back or side edge of the worksurface and clamp down underneath. This is the easiest installation option and does not damage the worksurface. It also allows you to easily change the mounting position. Grommet mount requires that you make a hole in the worksurface for the mount to slide into. This obviously requires altering the worksurface and is a much more permanent mounting option. If you want to move the mounting position at any point, you’d have to create a new grommet hole. 

Wall Plates and Slatwall mounts are also an option, so you can mount the monitor arm directly to a wall or attach to a slatwall. Wall plates are permanently installed to the wall, while slatwall mounts allow you to move and reposition with ease (as long as you already have a slatwall).


Accessories, Adaptors, and Retrofits

Monitor arm accessories and adaptors can expand what your monitor arm is capable of. Add a Laptop Holder so you can use your laptop as a monitor or position it more ergonomically. Add a Thin Client CPU Holder to keep your CPU attached to the back of your monitor rather than taking up space on your desktop. If your arm doesn’t already have them, add cable management hooks to your monitor arm to keep cords and cables organized. Accessories like the Conform Slider are great for dual monitors and make sure the monitors fit nicely side by side in your preferred location. Retrofit options like a Twin Bracket can create a dual monitor arm from a single, allowing you to double your monitors without a new arm.


Ok, Let’s Bring It All Together

So you’ve gotten a nice overview of what’s what, now it’s time to choose the best monitor arm for you. 

First, what equipment do you have (or want)? Find the monitor arms that will support the number of monitors you have and be aware of the arm’s weight limitations. If you need help determining what monitor arms will support the equipment you have, check out the Monitor Compatibility Finder. For one, two or three monitors, a standard single, dual or triple monitor arm will work great. If you have more monitors than that, you’ll need to combine a few products to fit your application. For example, if you want a monitor arm to support 6 monitors, you’d want a pole with two triple monitor arms attached. The configuration options are endless, and so are the possibilities! 

How do you want to mount the monitor arm? You can mount it to a desk with a C-Clamp or Grommet, or to a wall with a Wall Plate or Slatwall mount. Note that not all monitor arms will support all mounting options. A C-Clamp mount is generally the best option as it’s the easiest to install and reposition without altering the desk.

How much adjustability do you want? If you’re using a sit stand desk, an articulating arm will have the greatest range of motion and allow you to adjust easily throughout the day as you sit and stand.


Related Video:

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Work New: 7 Ways to Make Your Old Office Feel Like New Again Tue, 07 Jan 2020 09:00:11 +0000 Worknew 7 Ways to Make Your Old Office Feel Like New [...]

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7 Ways to Make Your Old Office Feel Like New Again


Every once in a while, your office needs a reboot. Make your old office feel like new again by giving it a deep clean, getting organized, and adding your own personal touches. Get ready for the new year with a workspace that feels brand new, even if it’s not. Here are our tips to help you update your office space.


1. Do a Deep Clean

Nothing says ‘new’ like a nice clean workspace. Remember when you first moved into your office space and everything was sparkling clean? Since then, dust and dirt have surely accumulated, especially in those hard to reach and rarely seen nooks and crannies, like behind your desk, under your file cabinet, or on that bookshelf that’s more decorative than actually used. Start the new year off right with a bit of spring (or… winter?) cleaning. 

Start by clearing everything off your desk and giving it a good wipe down with cleaning wipes or cleaning spray and a towel. Bonus points if you use disinfecting wipes/spray which might also save  you from getting the flu (which is almost surely already spreading throughout your office). Do the same thing for other surfaces in your workspace like bookshelves, the top of cabinets, printers, etc. If you have access to a vacuum, tackle the dust and dirt behind and underneath your office furniture. Maybe do it with your eyes closed so you don’t have to face the hair balls and dust bunnies that you’ve been rooming with lately.


2. Get Organized

Before you start putting everything back on your desk, think about what you really need within reach 24/7. If it’s not something you use every day, find a place for it in your file cabinet or on a shelf to keep your desk as clear as possible. If you don’t have a good place to store your office supplies, get yourself a mobile ped to keep everything you need within reach but off your desktop. 

Empty out your storage spaces and purge what you no longer need. Stacks of papers from a project long completed… mystery charging cords that don’t work with any of your current devices… a second stapler (you do NOT need two staplers)… Be real with yourself about what you actually need and force yourself to clear the clutter, even if it’s typically out of sight.


3. Manage Those Cables

If the underside of your desk is a jumble of cords and cables, twisted together and hanging every which way, it’s time to do some cable management. Install a cable trough to the underside of the worksurface to run cables from your desktop equipment to one end of the desk. A trough gives you tons of space to keep cables tucked up under the worksurface without worrying about keeping them tightly together. Add a cable chain or sleeve to get the cables from the trough to the nearest outlet or a power strip on the floor. This keeps the cables in one neat string rather than dangling all over the place. 


4. Rearrange Your Furniture

Give your office a whole new look and feel by rearranging your furniture. Move your desk to a different spot in the room or change the angle so you have a new view. If moving your desk is not an option, change the position of your monitor so you can face a slightly different direction. Small changes like this might just change the way you work! 

Add or rearrange nearby seating to give your visitors a nice place to sit. If you don’t have seating near your workspace, add a mobile ped pad to the top of your mobile ped so it doubles as an extra seat.

Remove furniture you don’t use, like empty bookcases or cabinets. Add pieces that you will use, like a task table or small meeting table, or hanging shelves that give you extra storage without taking up floor space.


5. Add More (or Better) Lighting

Office overhead lights are often too bright, harsh, or poorly positioned. While you probably can’t change the overhead lights themselves (wouldn’t a chandelier be fun?), you can add under-cabinet and desktop task lights to put the right kind of light right where you need it. Place one or two task lights on your desktop within arms’ distance so you can quickly adjust the position, angle, or brightness without reaching or bending. Adjust the light for proper contract of text and ensure there are no cast shadows or glare. Task lights properly positioned throughout your office space give it a warmer, cozier feel. Try also putting some in the corners and facing them upward to cast diffused light off the walls. Add occupancy sensors to your office lighting that automatically turn the lights off when your office is empty, saving energy. Make sure there are no barriers blocking the occupancy sensor so it can function properly. Point the sensors at your office chair so they turn on when you’re at your desk and off when you’ve left.


6. Bring in Some Plants

Ah, plants… Greenery has so many benefits, especially in an office! The sight of plants can be calming and reduces stress. Plants release oxygen to help you breathe easy while you work. They brighten and liven up the space, easily. Bring in some small succulents for your desktop or add a large ficus in a sunny corner of the office. Make sure the plants have enough light, whether it’s natural light from nearby windows or simply desktop lights positioned over them. Choose plants that do well in low-light and don’t require constant attention so they can thrive in your office space.


7. Decorate the Walls

Give your workspace some personal touches by hanging up photos of family or friends. Display posters or prints that bring you joy and include calming colors or images of nature. Hang Tranquility Panels on the walls for a pop of color, plus better acoustics. Tranquility Panels are fully tackable, so you can add photos, magazine clippings, or postcards to the panels with push pins.

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Work Fresh: Give Your Workspace a Refresh with These Easy Ergonomic Updates Tue, 03 Dec 2019 09:00:33 +0000 Workfresh Give Your Workspace a Refresh with These Ea [...]

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Give Your Workspace a Refresh with These Easy Ergonomic Updates


Is your workspace ergonomic? Are you comfortable throughout the day? Do you ever catch yourself slouching in your chair, straining your neck to see your computer screen, or fidgeting your legs because you’ve been sitting too long? Sounds like it might be time for an ergonomic workspace refresh! Check out the tips below to make your workspace work better for YOU.


Set Up a Sit Stand Workstation

Whether you switch out your standard desk for a sit stand desk or simply add a standing desk converter, creating a workspace where you can both sit AND stand will drastically improve the ergonomics and flexibility of your office. Some people use the term ‘standing desk’, but a fixed height standing desk has the same major problem as a fixed height seated desk: you can’t change positions throughout the day. A sit stand workstation that allows you to easily transition from sitting to standing (and back) is a good investment in your own health, wellness, and comfort. 


Get Yourself an Adjustable Monitor Arm

If the majority of your work is computer-based, being able to adjust the height and tilt of your monitor(s) will allow you to reduce strain on your neck and eyes. Check out this guide for how to set up an ergonomic workcenter, including how to adjust your monitor for optimal ergo positioning. One thing you may not know is that the monitor position usually needs to be adjusted when you change positions between sitting and standing. An articulating monitor arm will allow you to easily adjust your monitor and keep your posture in check. 


Add Desktop Task Lighting

Overhead lights are often too bright or poorly arranged. Desktop task lights allow you to put the right level of light right where you need it so you don’t strain your eyes. Warmer lights can also be beneficial for your mood. Using task lights instead of overhead lights can save on energy costs and help you create a more comfortable work environment.


Check Your Seated & Standing Posture

Poor posture at work contributes to a variety of health issues, including headaches, eye fatigue, and discomfort, especially in the legs, wrists, shoulder, neck and back. With ideal posture, the head aligns over the pelvis, the shoulders are back, and the muscles are balanced. Acceptable working postures include:


Rearrange Your Workspace

To avoid reaching or bending for commonly used items, the things you need throughout the day should be on your desk and within reach. This is called ‘Zones Ergonomics’. Keep your computer mouse and keyboard close enough that you can reach them comfortably while keeping your elbows at 90-degrees and upper arms at your sides. Arrange items like staplers, notepads, and phones so that you can reach them without putting any strain on your body. This is also a good time to clear the clutter and put away the items you don’t use all the time so you have more usable space on your desk.


Take Breaks, Move Often

Ergonomics is all about comfort. Once you’ve created a workspace that’s as comfortable and ergonomic as it can be, you also have to honor your body by taking breaks and moving often. A few times a day, take a break to fill up your water bottle down the hall, do a lap around the office to check in with colleagues, or go for a short walk outside. Whenever you start to feel tight or fatigued, do some stretches right at your desk (desk yoga, anyone?). Make sure to take care of your eyes by taking screen breaks often.

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Work Optimized: Go From Cable Mayhem to Cable Management Tue, 19 Nov 2019 09:00:08 +0000 Workoptimized Go From Cable Mayhem to Cable Managemen [...]

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Go From Cable Mayhem to Cable Management


Nothing ruins a beautiful office like ugly cords dangling beneath desks. Whether it’s for aesthetics or safety, cable management is crucial to maintaining a neat and tidy workstation. Once you wrangle those cables, you’ll find you have more workspace, freedom of movement, and peace of mind (Don’t believe us? Try it!). Optimize your workstation with simple and easy to install cable management solutions that keep your cords and cables out of sight and out of mind.


Cable-Management-Trough-2Horizontal cable management

If you have a TON of cables to manage, a Cable Management Trough might just be your knight in shining… steel? Cable Troughs are mounted underneath your worksurface, running horizontally along the backside of your desk. And they can hold more than just cables. Do you have hefty cable boxes or surge protectors? Cable Troughs can hold all those, too. Workrite has a few different Cable Troughs to choose from: Mesh Cable Trough, Metal Cable Trough, and High Capacity Metal Cable Trough.

Other horizontal cable management solutions include simple clips and straps that you can attach to the underside of the worksurface, wire ways (which are like the cable trough’s little brother), and modesty panels with integrated cable management.


Vertical-Cable-Manager-1Vertical cable management

Once you have all your cables neatly tucked beneath your desk horizontally, it’s time to tackle the necessary evil of getting all those cords to their power source on the floor or wall. Vertical cable management solutions help you run cables from your desk to a nearby outlet without having them just dangling and getting in your way. Our vertical cable management solutions include a Magnetic Cable Manager, Cable Manager Chain, Vertical Wire Management, and Vertical Cable Sleeve. No matter which option you choose, optimizing your desk with the right combination of cable management solutions will give you the elegant and organized workstation of your dreams!



Above-desk cable management

Ready to take your cable management to the next level? Under-desk cable management is a must, but above-desk cable management is where you can really optimize your workspace. If your monitor arm doesn’t have cable management built in, you can add clips to the arm so that cables between your under-desk cable managers and your monitor run smoothly along the monitor arm, rather than snaking along the back of your worksurface. If you have smaller devices that you need to keep charged, like cell phones, tablets, and laptops, add an above-desk power supply so you have an outlet right on your desktop.


Share your cable management success stories on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (tag us @workriteergo).

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Work Optimized: Clear the Clutter with the Right Storage Solutions Tue, 05 Nov 2019 09:00:02 +0000 Workoptimized Clear the Clutter with the Right Storag [...]

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Clear the Clutter with the Right Storage Solutions


Is your workspace cluttered? Is your desk covered with documents, office supplies, and personal items? All these things may help you get your work done, but if they’re in your way and leading to unnecessary distractions, it’s time to clear the clutter. Optimize your productivity and make your workspace work for you with storage solutions that are sleek and functional. Even if the majority of your work is done on a computer, clutter can still creep into your workspace. Here are some smart storage solutions to help you #WorkOptimized.


Slim Mobile Peds

Also known as good-ol-fashioned file cabinets, mobile pedestals can roll around your workspace so they’re there when you need them, but can roll away when you don’t. A slim mobile ped, like our new Metal or Laminated Mobile Pedestals, can roll under your desk while still leaving plenty of space for your legs and chair. Combine storage with style by matching your mobile ped’s metal and laminate colors to your desk for a clean, cohesive look. Use the top drawer for pens, staplers, notepads and other office supplies, and the bottom drawer for hanging file folders, your lunchbox, or tennis shoes.


Hanging Pedestals

They’re like mobile peds but attached to the underside of your worksurface. Hanging Pedestals not only keep your workspace clean with convenient storage, but they keep the floor clear as well. With a single drawer and organization tray, you can store files and office supplies all in one place. Add the integrated power supply to charge your devices from inside the drawer. Like the slim Mobile Ped, you can choose metal or laminate colors to perfectly match your desk. And when you adjust your desk from sitting to standing, your hanging ped comes right up with you.


Tool Bar with Organizational Tools

Maybe you want more of your supplies right at your fingertips as well as a clear worksurface. Mount a Tool Bar to the backside of your worksurface and attach a variety of organizational tools for storing everything you need throughout the day, like a Pen Holder, Folder Tray, and Accessory Tray. You can keep your documents and office supplies within reach without cluttering your worksurface.


Once you have the right storage solutions, the hard part is using them. Make it part of your daily or weekly routine to clear your desk of unnecessary items, like filing documents and organizing your office supplies in their respective homes. Think about what materials you actually use every day and make a space for those on your desk or in your mobile ped. The few items you do choose to keep on your desk should be chosen with care, and if you don’t use it every day, store it away! 

A neat and tidy desk will optimize your workspace for productivity, minimize distractions, and help you be more efficient. Set yourself up for success with storage that works.


Check out all our Storage & Organization Accessories:

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