Business – Workrite Ergonomics Innovative Ergonomics Office Products & Space Optimization Mon, 16 Mar 2020 21:30:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Work Smart: How to Streamline Your Workflow to Boost Efficiency Mon, 16 Mar 2020 08:00:41 +0000 Worksmart How to Streamline Your Workflow to Boost Ef [...]

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How to Streamline Your Workflow to Boost Efficiency


Everything we do, from big projects to day-to-day tasks, is part of a workflow. Defined generally, workflow is “the sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.” It can also be how you manage a variety of projects and how you structure your personal processes. Streamlining your workflow means making everything you do more efficient. You can do this by creating and sticking specific processes, utilizing automation, implementing time management techniques, and delegating to others when it makes more sense to do so. Ultimately, the goal is to optimize efficiency so you can get it all done with less stress and in less time. 


Create a streamlined process & stick to it

Everything you work on, individually or with a team, should have a process. That process will be different for each application, but creating one and sticking to it will make everything go smoother. If you have existing processes for most projects, make sure that new projects can either work within those processes or create a new process before you get started. Evaluate existing processes to make sure they’re geared toward the ultimate goals of working efficiently and achieving valuable results. If there are parts of a  process that become sticking points, how can you smooth them out? Cut excess steps from your workflow that are dragging down the process or taking too much time. Integrate digital tools to make your processes better or faster. 


Automate (some of) your work

If much (or even just a small part) of your time is spent on busy work, automation can become your best friend. Automation tools like canned email responses, automatic reminders, scheduling things ahead of time, or setting up rules to keep your email organized will cut out unnecessary steps. You can also use automation to completely remove tasks from your workflow, like automatic updates or database syncing. For example, if you’re collaborating with colleagues on a document, rather than wasting time sending updated files back and forth via email, rely on cloud-based file storage so everyone can access the living document anytime. There are tons of options for automation that will be different depending on the tasks you do day to day, but evaluate what you’re spending time on that automation could do for you, and use the power of technology to streamline it.


Time your tasks

Parkinson’s law states that tasks expand to the time allotted, so if you let them, individual tasks will end up taking much longer than they should. Time yourself and set a limit for each task. Create a daily schedule with the tasks you want to complete that day and the time you want to allocate to them. Ignore your email and adjust your notification settings so that you can focus on one thing at a time. 

While we all may think we’re good at multitasking, it actually takes us much longer to get back into a project when we stop to do something else in between. Force yourself to do just one thing at a time, for a specific amount of time, and set a timer so you know when to switch gears. In between tasks, check your email and notifications, but make sure you keep track of the time you spend doing those things, too, as often times ‘just checking’ your notifications can take up more time than it should. 

Once you gather some initial data about how long it takes you to do each task, you can start to limit the time you spend on each thing. You may think this could cause you to rush, but really, it will help you focus and get more done!


Do the important stuff first & work to your advantage

Even if it’s not important in terms of your priorities, if something only takes a few minutes to do, just go ahead and do it now. Got a quick question over email that you know the answer to? Rather than let that email sit in your mailbox, go ahead and send your response. If you leave it for later, you now must read the email and think about it twice rather than just getting it off your to-do list right away. 

Each day, create a list of the things you want to work on and can realistically complete that day. If you are working toward a big, long-term project, break it up into smaller steps and try to check off one or two each day. Make sure to prioritize your to-do list in order of importance. This can be determined by a deadline or the value of the work. If something is time sensitive and valuable, it should be at the top of your list. If something is not time sensitive and not really that valuable, it should be at the bottom of your list. 

Work to your advantage by noticing what time of day (or in what location) you do each type of task best. If you’re more creative in the morning, block out that time for creative work. Notice when and how you work best and create your schedule around that. You’ll be able to work more efficiently by adjusting your schedule to fit how you work, streamlining your entire workflow to boost productivity.


Ask a lot of questions

Nothing kills efficiency like miscommunication, misunderstanding, or time wasted on the wrong thing. Asking a lot of questions in the beginning of a project and throughout the process will ensure you know what’s expected of you and can meet (or exceed) expectations. Make sure to ask for feedback along the way, even if what you’re working on isn’t completely polished. It could reduce the chance of re-doing work. Asking a lot of questions will help you get it right the first time or be able to pivot early in the project. 


Delegate when you need to

Sometimes the best way to streamline your workflow would be to ask for help from others. If you have a lot on your plate and can’t give your full attention to a certain project, handing it off to someone else who does have the time will ensure the project gets done without disrupting the rest of your work. Delegating to others can be difficult, but if you ask for help, projects can be streamlined to produce quality results in record time.

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Work New: How to Make This Year Your Most Productive Yet Tue, 21 Jan 2020 09:00:42 +0000 Worknew How to Make This Year Your Most Productive Ye [...]

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How to Make This Year Your Most Productive Yet


If you want to amp up your productivity this year, start by setting yourself up for success! Outline your goals, make better to-do lists, and work efficiently. End each workday feeling accomplished and on track. Adopt these productivity hacks to make this year your most productive yet!


Set your goals for the year

To set yourself up for success this year, outline your big goals. Think high level at first with broad goals that align with your team. Once you have some initial, high level goals, drill down to smaller benchmarks and tasks that will help you meet them. Meet with your team to get on the same page and set priorities. Enter your goals into a project management system to share with colleagues and track your progress throughout the year.


Make better to-do lists

To-do lists serve two main purposes: they outline the things you need to get done (of course), but they also make it so you don’t have to actively remember all your projects and tasks. Save yourself some bandwidth by keeping an up-to-date to-do list with both long term projects and short term tasks. Take notes often, in meetings, during phone calls, and as you sort through your emails so you don’t have to keep a mental list.

Break down larger projects into bite-sized chunks so you can tackle one small part of the overall project at a time. Track your progress and give yourself a pat on the back with every to-do you check off. Digitize your list so you can easily reorganize as priorities shift. This can be an online project management tool, an app on your phone, or a simple spreadsheet. Set deadlines for everything, even if it’s just a self-imposed one. The urgency of an approaching deadline will motivate you to get it done.

Everyday, create a short list of the specific tasks that you can realistically complete that day. Whether these are one-off projects or a small task that gets you closer to completing a larger project, breaking it all down and checking things off throughout the day will keep you on track. Make sure to constantly evaluate priorities, keeping in mind the urgency and importance of each task.


Trim the fat

To really amp up your productivity, cut out the excess. Parkinson’s Law states that “work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion.” Cut the default for meetings from 1 hr to 45 minutes (or from 30 minutes to 20); you’ll be surprised to discover you can cover all the same information in less time. Identify the things you do every day that seem to take much more time than they should and streamline those processes or cut those tasks entirely. Schedule time to wrangle your inbox, like checking email every few hours rather than constantly. Unsubscribe from emails lists that you no longer need and set up rules on your email to move unimportant emails to a folder automatically, keeping your inbox at a manageable level.


Nix the notifications

Stay focused on the task at hand by turning off desktop and smartphone notifications. When you’re in the middle of a project and you get a pop up on your screen, it takes much longer than you’d think to refocus and get back into the groove. Silence your phone or put it on Do Not Disturb while you’re working. Minimize distractions in every way possible to help you maintain focus and work more efficiently. 


Do one thing at a time

You may think you’re good at multitasking (we all do!), but you’re actually doing two things poorly rather than one thing productively. Focus on the most important task at hand and force yourself to do just one thing at a time. When you’re ready to switch gears, go for it! But don’t try to do it all at once.


Don’t worry about being perfect

Perfectionism kills productivity! Let go of being perfect and be comfortable with good enough or good enough for right now. You can always revisit something later to make it more polished, but if you wait until it’s perfect to call it complete, you’ll never finish! Don’t be afraid to send draft versions, works in progress, or incomplete deliverables. Let your team know where the project stands and ask for input along the way. This will help you get it done without the pressure to make it perfect.

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Work Limitless: Designing Office Furniture for the Office of the Future Tue, 01 Oct 2019 07:30:02 +0000 Worklimitless Designing Office Furniture for the Offi [...]

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Designing Office Furniture for the Office of the Future


The office furniture of the future must be flexible and able to adapt to a changing environment. When we develop new products, like innovative sit stand desks, we have to think years ahead to create products that are flawlessly functional far into the future. Here’s what we think about as we design office furniture for the office of the future.



Space saving, multi-use furniture pieces are a great addition (or foundation!) to any office environment. A fixed desk with a desktop computer might work right now, but the office of the future will require worksurfaces that can be used for a variety of tasks. Line of Sight Computer Desks are a great example, because they can be used for computer work or as a clear desktop and they store the computer inside the desk when not in use. Smart, multi-use furniture can adapt to its space and serve a variety of purposes to meet changing needs.


Mobile, Flexible

It makes sense that to create a functional and future-ready office, furniture will need to be flexible. Mobile pieces that can roll from room to room, fold down and store easily when not in use, and adjust in a variety of ways are a key part of the office of the future. Nesting tables, furniture on casters, and expandable furniture are great ways to bring more flexible furniture into the office.


Expand (& Contract)

Business needs are always changing and the office environment needs to be able to expand and contract along with these changes. With sit stand benching systems, desks can be added or removed easily as teams grow and shrink. Upgrade a compact desk to a larger worksurface, using the same base. Easily rearrange desks in an open office environment to increase or decrease workstations.


Connected / Smart

Technology is the hub of almost all the work we do. We work on computers or laptops and stay connected through smartphones and wireless tech accessories. Office furniture is just another way to use smart technology to stay connected. Some electric sit stand desks can be controlled with an app on your smartphone, and wireless chargers can be integrated into your desktop. 


Future Proof

The future is still unknown, that’s why the office furniture of the future must be adaptable, flexible, and high quality. We design with the future in mind, creating each product to grow and adapt with you. Components are interchangeable to easily upgrade. If something breaks, you can replace the part rather than the whole product. High quality components and systems support a long product lifespan, so you can enjoy your office furniture long into the future.


Check out Workrite’s newest future-ready office furniture:

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Work Together: Behind the Scenes of “We Are Workrite” Thu, 15 Aug 2019 08:00:02 +0000 Worktogether Behind the Scenes of "We Are Workrite" [...]

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Behind the Scenes of “We Are Workrite”


We recently released the new “We Are Workrite” video, diving into who we are and the amazing people that work here. Now we’re taking you behind the scenes of the video to show how it was made and some of the (hilarious!) scenes that didn’t make the final cut.


How we made it

We created the “We Are Workrite” video entirely in-house, gathering together a band of dedicated people who believed in the dream of an awesome company video. Long-time photographer and videographer Frank Filice, Marketing Communication Manager, was the man behind the camera, while Tom Fritz, Senior Director of Marketing & Product Development acted as producer, interviewer and employee wrangler.

With his photo skills, Frank captured employee interviews (with gorgeous focus), b-roll of our factory, and even the time lapse of the building. He and Tom came into the office at 4am one morning to capture the opening scenes of the video.

Frank and Tom (with some help from Renee Kinahan, HR Wellness & Events Coordinator) interviewed 54 people, capturing hours of video. Each person was asked about their job, how long they’ve worked at Workrite, what they like to do outside of work, their thoughts on the company culture, and how they feel about the ergonomic products we make. The results were staggering. Not only do we have some long-time Workrite-ers, but we have a fantastic group of people who are dedicated to helping create products that help people work healthy and comfortably.

With an external hard drive loaded up with all that video (almost a terabyte worth! 959.81GB to be exact), Hannah Hughes, Digital Marketing Specialist, got to work on the editing process. The video went through at least five different versions over the course of two months before we settled on a final. The “We Are Workrite” video really speaks to what makes this company great: the people.


The fun extra clips

The tone of the final video is pretty serious (did you tear up?), but there were also some fun and funny moments caught on camera. We captured some amazing & hilarious bits that didn’t make it into the video, so here you go:

Frank Filice and Attila Lorinczi’s push-up contest
(with Susan Giles cheering them on)

Renee Kinahan reciting the names of EVERY employee at Workrite
(from MEMORY!)

Alicia Roberts, the Chili Cook-off Queen

Shout out from Javier Vega

Travis Lloyd, the Ping-Pong master

An intense game of foosball & lots of laughs

In case you missed it

Here’s the final “We Are Workrite” video – try not to cry.

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Work Together: How Company Culture Drives Business Thu, 01 Aug 2019 08:00:33 +0000 Worktogether How Company Culture Drives Business [...]

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How Company Culture Drives Business


Work environments are so vital to business success. I don’t mean the decor, equipment, and location (although, those things are important), but how people work together. Companies with a great culture can find better success because they’re more likely to retain valuable employees, attract top talent, and work more efficiently. When people are happy and can work well together, we can all get more done (and feel good doing it!).

The company culture at Workrite is the core of who we are, and how we drive business. The employees here are like family and we’re all dedicated to the work we do, which is why we’re able to do great work! Here are some ways company culture drives business and how you can help build a strong company culture that’s good for business and great for employees.


More innovation

When the culture of a company supports and empowers its employees, those people have the chance to explore new ideas and reimagine the possibilities of what they create. Something as simple as an open door policy for management allows people to bring their innovative ideas forward. When people are happy and supported by a strong self of belonging and camaraderie, they will naturally converse with colleagues and brainstorm new ideas together. The more we work together and support one another, the more innovative results we can bring to life.


Common values, goals, & mission

Getting the whole company on the same page, backing a single mission, helps align people not only to the tasks at hand, but the reason behind them. A company culture that is centered around a core set of values and specific goals, all geared toward a meaningful mission, gives the team a clear sense of direction. When people are working toward the same thing and understand their vital role in bringing it to fruition, everyone can work better together, driving business success.


Retention & recruiting

No one wants to work for a company with a bad (or non-existent) culture. Employees are more likely to stay with the company when they understand and support the mission and can work well within the team. A strong company culture provides a sense of belonging that keeps valuable employees around and can attract new talent. In recruiting, the company culture is increasingly the deciding factor for new hires. People want to know that they will enjoy coming into work everyday. Retaining long-term employees maintains an important wealth of knowledge and attracting top talent helps businesses grow and innovate.


Efficiency & productivity

A good company culture isn’t all about team-building activities, pot-lucks, or ping pong tournaments (although, we like all those things at Workrite); it’s about empowering people to work together to solve problems and produce quality work that backs up the company’s mission. Bringing people together (for work & play) helps us work more efficiently and be more productive. When we understand the company’s goals and feel like we’re part of something bigger, we are empowered to put in the work to drive that mission forward. A good company culture drives teamwork and focuses on the bigger picture, allowing people to work together toward a central purpose.


Culture should be the core of any company. It’s central to what you do and why you do it. It brings people together in support of a common mission and can improve teamwork, efficiency, and innovation. A good culture centers around empowering people, since after all, a company is the sum of its people. Building a strong company culture is the foundation for a future of employee satisfaction and business success.

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Work Efficiently: 7 Ways to Boost Efficiency and Finally Get Everything Done Mon, 01 Apr 2019 12:00:59 +0000 Workefficiently 7 Ways to Boost Efficiency and Finall [...]

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7 Ways to Boost Efficiency and Finally Get Everything Done


1. Create a space for working efficiently

Before you can actually work efficiently, you have to make sure you’re set up for it. The right ergonomic sit stand desk is the foundation of a productive workday. Add an adjustable monitor arm to keep your neck neutral and desktop task lights that put the right light where you need it, reducing eye strain and energy costs. Arrange your desk so the things you use regularly are within reach, without having to bend or reach, like your office phone and notepad, and use a document holder to prop up printed documents. Move your keyboard and mouse so that you can work with your elbows at a 90 degree angle and wrists level. Add a comfy wrist rest or upgrade to an ergonomic keyboard or mouse for added support. Clear off extraneous items from your desk and store them in a mobile pedestal to cut out distractions and clutter.


2. Equip yourself with the right tools (& share them with your team)

Utilizing productivity tools to get more done in less time is a smart way to boost efficiency. Online project management tools allow you to track your to-do’s, collaborate with your team, and track your progress. The administrative aspect of setting up these systems may seem like wasted time, but they will end up saving you more time than you put in initially. Never miss a deadline, keep track of everything in one place, and create a seamless flow for your most complicated projects. Project management tools that include time tracking and activity monitoring can also give you some insight into where efficiency is lacking and help you balance your priorities. Across all projects, leverage automation where you can to cut out tedious or repetitive tasks.


3. Hone your skills with continued learning

Don’t spend all day toiling away at something that you’re not sure how to do. Reach out to the vast knowledge of the web (or your team members) to build your skills, thus being able to complete that task faster. Taking time to learn new skills will allow you to work more efficiently once you’ve mastered them, saving you time in the future. Online courses, tutorials, and forums are great do-it-yourself resources for building upon your skills. Whether it’s soft skills, like communication, or technical skills, like coding, continued learning keeps you engaged and makes you a more valuable employee.


4. Streamline every single process

When a project has multiple stakeholders and includes individuals across different teams, the process to get something completed starts to get complicated. Determine and minimize process bottlenecks and clearly outline actionable tasks for each team member to keep things running smoothly. Leverage digital collaboration tools like cloud-based documents and chat platforms to eliminate document version issues and reduce lengthy meetings. Explore different online platforms to help you streamline your processes even more.


5. Practice (and encourage) clear communication

Nothing kills productivity like breakdowns in communication. The first thing to do when buttoning up your internal communication strategy is to commit to a single communication channel. Whether it’s email, chat, or in-person, bringing (almost) everything into one system and making communication expectations clear will drastically speed things along. Set realistic expectations about availability, responsibilities, and benchmarks. Be sure to ask questions to fully understand what’s expected of you if you’re ever unclear. As always, open lines of communication using effective channels creates fluid information flow and boosts efficiency.


6. Make space for self-care, mental and physical health, and work-life balance

Working efficiently isn’t all about working. Taking care of yourself (body, mind, spirit) will give you space and energy to come to work present and engaged. When management encourages self-care behaviors, they can reduce sick days, stress, and burnout. Create an ergonomic workstation with the right equipment, like a sit stand desk, adjustable monitor arm, and supportive accessories, and always practice good posture. This will ensure you’re physically comfortable while you work and reduce chronic injuries, pain, and discomfort. Take breaks throughout the day and take time off when you need a reset. If you have the freedom to determine your own schedule, establish clear boundaries around your workday, like when you start and end your day, and whether or not you are accessible outside of those hours. Try these other tips to Work Happy everyday.


7. Measure productivity and adjust as needed

Gain insight into how your efficiency changes over time as you implement new techniques to boost productivity. Knowledge work can be extremely difficult to measure, but start by assigning value to the quality of work completed in addition to quantitative outcomes. Track all projects, including timelines, tasks, and expected results. The more data and information you gather, the better you’ll be able to assess and ultimately improve your own productivity or how you and your team work together. Over time, adjust your productivity approach or workflow to boost efficiency.

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Work Smart: How Smart Workers are Leveraging the Power of Prioritization Fri, 01 Mar 2019 12:45:23 +0000 Worksmart How Smart Workers are Leveraging the Power [...]

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How Smart Workers are Leveraging the Power of Prioritization


The phrase “work smarter, not harder” is everywhere, but for a good reason. We spend so much of our time working, but how much are we actually getting done? Working smart means being productive not just busy. If at the end of the day, all you’ve done is clean out your email (good for you, by the way!), was that really a productive use of your time?


Be Productive, not Busy

Smart workers and savvy employers are beginning to understand that being busy and being productive are very different. Productive employees are good for the business and are more satisfied with their jobs. They produce higher quality work in less time. Meanwhile, their busy counterparts are feeling overwhelmed, working really hard, but not working smart. Smart workers can also make use of technology to boost productivity.


Prioritize Yourself

Prioritizing yourself is the first step to working smarter. In order to be productive at work, you have to take care of your body, mind, and spirit. This means taking breaks often, getting plenty of sleep, and reducing stress. Some workers are so focused on working more and working hard that they allow their work to take away from their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. The best thing you can do to get ahead at work is be healthy, happy, and focused (here’s some great tips to boost happiness at work and away).


Fix Your To-Do List

Next, you can prioritize your work tasks. If you have a mile-long to-do list, what is most important? What deadlines are approaching? Are any of these tasks unnecessary? Can they be completed by someone else? Whittle it down as much as you can. Each day, give yourself a handful of tasks to focus on, whatever is highest priority and can realistically be completed that day. There are lots of great online project management tools that can help you stay organized, and all that organization might help you get promoted.


Define Action Items

The to-do list is a powerful tool if you use it to your advantage. Each task you put on the list needs to be actionable. This means it is specific enough to be marked “done” when it’s done. If your list items are too broad, try turning them into actionable tasks. If you want to start a blog, for example, don’t just put “start blog” on your to-do list. Instead, you could say “write one, 800-word blog post today”. Want to take it a step further? Adding time limits to each task will help you stay on track and can even help you work faster.


Organize Your Work Day

Organizing your work day to ensure high productivity can be a challenge. We’re often interrupted by unexpected urgencies. We’re constantly checking email and getting push notifications on our phones and desktops. While multitasking may seem like a good idea, no one can do it well. If you try to do everything at once, you’ll end up doing a lot of things badly rather than doing one thing well. Turn off desktop and phone notifications and give yourself a few minutes each hour or two to check them. Odds are, those emails can wait until you’re at a good stopping point.


Take More Breaks

Chunk your tasks and take breaks often. You can customize this to your workload and personal schedule but try four stints of focused work separated by short (or long) breaks. For example, work for two hours, take a short walk around the building, work for two more hours, take your lunch break. Back at your desk for the afternoon, work for two hours, stop and do some stretches at your desk, work for two more hours, go home! All these breaks throughout the day may seem counterintuitive, as that’s time spent not working, but this is actually super valuable. Taking breaks lets you reset and refocus, which will make you more productive. For an overall healthier workday, check out these 10 healthy workday habits.


Prioritization is a great tool for getting more work done without wasting any time. Use these takeaways to get started working smarter today:

  • Be productive, not busy
  • Prioritize yourself
  • Create an actionable, prioritized daily to-do list
  • Cut out distracting time-sucks
  • Chunk your work and take breaks in-between

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Work Confidently: 5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence at Work Mon, 01 Oct 2018 07:01:28 +0000 Workconfidently 5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence at Wo [...]

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5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence at Work


Education, experience, and hard work are all important aspects to being successful in the corporate world. A solid resume of tangible achievements and applicable skills might land you the job of your dreams, but growing your career requires a level of confidence in yourself and your abilities. While some people may be naturally self-confident, it takes a lot of practice for most of us to build self-esteem. Finding ways to boost your confidence every day will set you up to succeed.


1. Act the Part

The impression that others make of you can have a huge impact on your career. No matter the dress code, a professional outfit shows that you take your job seriously and want to be seen as a promotion-worthy professional. When you dress for success, you can still be comfortable. If you’re constantly adjusting your clothes or limping around the office in shoes that hurt, you won’t feel very confident and others will notice.

Smile, be approachable, and ask people about themselves. Confident people tend to smile more, which increases happiness for them and those around them. Being approachable and friendly will make you feel more connected to those you work with, which ultimately boosts confidence.

Walk with confidence. Good posture and a pep and your step can really boost your mood and has a ripple effect on those around you. Walking with confidence really does make you feel more confident, and will make others feel good, too! Try these healthy habits to boost your mood and focus.


2. Prepare and Practice

Being prepared is a great way to be more confident. If you know what you need to do and how much time you have to do it, you’ll have a clear path to complete your tasks. Keep detailed and up-to-date to do lists so you never miss an important deadline. Being organized will make you more productive and might just get you promoted.

If you have a big meeting or presentation (or even a small one) coming up, make sure you do your research so you can confidently answer any questions. As you complete tasks, review how they went and track how you can improve next time. Focus on your strengths and successes to refine your skills. Notice and congratulate yourself on small wins, even if no one else does. Every little success will give you a little confidence boost, which will grow over time.


Notice and congratulate yourself on small wins. Every little success will give you a little confidence boost, which will grow over time.



3. Keep Learning

Pin point where you are, what you know well and what you can improve on. Start by researching your industry and area of expertise. Read up on useful skills that you use everyday plus soft skills, like communication, time management, and leadership. A better understanding of your field will allow you to confidently speak about what you do and help you understand how you can do better.

Build new skills by taking online classes, signing up for webinars, attending industry events, or watching TED Talks. Look at the skills your boss has in order to be in that position and focus on growing your knowledge and experience in that area. Expanding your skills to include those of your boss or boss’s boss will open the door to bigger career opportunities..


4. Set Clear Expectations

Make sure that your boss and co-workers understand what to expect of you. You don’t always have to go above and beyond to be confident, but you do have to be reliable and communicate clearly. Set expectations for what you plan to work on and how long you expect it to take. Holding yourself accountable to these goals boosts your confidence and builds your credibility with others.

As long as you’re realistic from the start, you can meet (or exceed) expectations. Once you and your team members are all on the same page, you can work confidently and trumpet your successes with the (on-time) completion of each project.


5. Ask Questions

If you’re not sure how to complete a task or need clarification in order to do what’s expected of you, just ask! Asking questions is actually a sign of confidence because it shows you’re willing to speak up and that you want to do a good job.

Ask for feedback from your boss or co-workers so you know how you’re doing. Any positive feedback will surely boost your confidence, knowing you’re doing well at important aspects of your job. But don’t take any constructive criticism personally. There is always room for improvement, so take all feedback as a catalyst for growth.

We’ve extended our warranties on Sierra HX and Fundamentals sit stand desks so you can


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Work Organized: Can Being Organized Help You Get Promoted Wed, 05 Sep 2018 07:00:49 +0000 Workorganized Can Being Organized Help You Get Promot [...]

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Can Being Organized Help You Get Promoted?


Getting promoted at work shows you’re not just meeting expectations but exceeding them. Believe it or not, one way to exceed the expectations of your boss and colleagues is to project a high level of professionalism. Keeping an organized work space, being able to quickly locate important documents, and maintaining a neat to-do list are all things that will show you have what it takes to move up.

Constantly building upon your skill set will help you get ahead. Building organization skills is a good place to start; you’ll be able to more quickly and easily complete tasks, while showing others that you take your work seriously.


Keep an organized desk

If you’re embarrassed for people to see your workspace, start there. Clear off anything you don’t use everyday and keep the essentials within reach, without having to bend or stretch. This guide can help you set up your workcenter ergonomically.


Utilize storage space

For the things you don’t use as often, have a space nearby to keep them. Office supplies like pens, notepads, and files can all be kept neatly in a mobile pedestal / file cabinet under your desk.


Clean up your digital clutter

Reference material, important documents, or instructions are powerful assets that can help you work faster and be more accurate, but not if you can’t find them in a timely manner. If your boss or a colleague needs a document, you don’t want to scramble for five minutes searching through your computer folders. Organize your digital files so you can locate what you need whenever you need it.

Organize your digital files so you can locate what you need whenever you need it.

Keep a clean to-do list

Forgetting to do an important task or missing a big deadline could cost you a promotion. Using an online project management tool can help you keep track of projects, deadlines, and assets, but an old school notepad can work just as well. Make sure to update your to-do list often, checking off completed tasks and adding new ones. If your list is long, try breaking it up into bite-sized chunks, organized by priority.


Declutter regularly

If staying organized isn’t yet a habit, set aside some time each week to get reorganized. Have things piled up on your desk? Find a home in your desk drawer for the things you need to keep and get rid of the things you don’t. Excessive papers and notes? Digitize documents and notes to keep your space clear of clutter. If you need more ways to organize your supplies, try a tool bar with attachable accessories, like a pen holder or folder tray. This will keep what you need within reach without taking up desk space.

Find a home in your desk drawer for the things you need to keep and get rid of the things you don’t.

Always be prepared

Never go into a meeting empty handed. Come prepared with a notebook and pen as well as any related documents or reference material. When someone asks a question, you can quickly answer it from the resources you came prepared with. This shows you’re organized and well-equipped to handle whatever is thrown your way.


Organize your day

We all work a bit differently, but time management is an important and often overlooked organization skill. Manage your time by outlining your daily tasks in a way that makes the most sense for you, so you can work productively. If you know you do your best creative work in the morning, set aside time for those tasks first. If you find yourself distracted by emails when doing deep work, turn off email notifications and only check your email once an hour. (More about going on “do not disturb” on this blog post.)

Manage your time by outlining your daily tasks in a way that makes the most sense for you, so you can work productively.

Focus on efficiency and professionalism

Being organized will make you more efficient and appear more professional. You’ll have a neat desk that’s free of distractions, a clear to-do list so you won’t miss a deadline, and you’ll still have everything you need right at your fingertips. Being organized will show professionalism and reliability that your boss and colleagues are sure to appreciate.


Moving up the ladder takes hard work and determination. Organization skills will help set the stage for success, the rest is up to you!

The post Work Organized: Can Being Organized Help You Get Promoted appeared first on Workrite Ergonomics.
